6.12.2021, H46, 5 pm c.t. - Hybrid!
Photoacids - A unique combination of photochemistry and fluorescence
Prof. Dr. Gregor JungUniverstität des Saarlandes
To the group's website
17.01.2022, H44, 4 pm c.t. - Hybrid format
a joint venture with the RTG ion-pairs in reaction
! For this event the 2G+ rule applies, please have your documents ready!
Alternatively you can follow via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 476 026 2341
Passcode: 17012022
Very Strong and Confined Chiral Acids: Universal Catalysts for Asymmetric Synthesis?
Prof. Dr. Ben List (Noble prize winner chemistry 2021!)
MPI Kohleforschung
To the group's website
MPI Kohleforschung
To the group's website
JCF + FUTUR present
Moved to summer term!
Prof. Stephen Liddle
Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Preisträger